Beginning in Electronic Music Production

When people think about producing music, many people imagine a few people in a studio singing and playing guitars while a sound engineer sits behind a mixer and listens to the music. While this is still quite common in today’s world, many people have started to convert to home studios, cutting out the record company’s involvement. Many artists have switched over from using fancy analog equipment to digital equipment, most commonly computers.

This is why I have come along, to help guide you through the process of producing music from the idea all the way to mastering and selling your music (or putting out an EP on Youtube, whichever you choose). I will teach you many techniques to use while producing music on FL Studio and how to create professional mixes and songs. I have only been producing for two years now, so I am still learning to this day about techniques that can be used in music production.

The main focus will be on trance and electronic music, as that is the area I have the most expertise in. By the time that you have finished reading this completed blog, you will be able to create many different electronic styles and professionally render your songs to send them to the record companies and start your journey to becoming a successful musician.

About Brad Bator

From Western Massachusetts, USA. I have been producing trance and electronic music for three years and want to help others that want to learn about music production.
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3 Responses to Beginning in Electronic Music Production

  1. Mark says:

    Sounds good.
    I think you break your paragraph up into smaller units. That big block of text overwhelms the reader a bit.
    Might you also feature equipment reviews or industry news or the like? Is he blog going to be composed entirely of tutorials?


  2. jimboslice98 says:

    Really good intro post. I feel like this will be the blog I most frequent as I am excited to learn a little bit about producing music. Also, will all tutorials shown only relate to FL? I didn’t know if anything will relate to reason or other programs perhaps.


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